Are you a budding engineer dreaming of a career creating and inventing? Is the maths holding you back? I believe that mathematical concepts are more than just a set of abstract equations and I’m passionate about finding visual and intuitive ways of explaining them.

I’m Mark Newman, an Electronics Engineer with 25 years of practical experience. I went through university in a haze of Greek letters and abstract formulae, doubting whether I'd chosen the right career. I'm determined that others shouldn’t have to suffer the same fate.

On this channel, I use the power of video and animation to teach the core concepts of signals and systems, providing you with the tools you need to turn theory into practice. I can't produce a video a week, but I can promise you quality mini-series produced periodically which will help you ace your signals and systems course. Click subscribe and set the bell notification for updates on the next mini-series or email me at the address below.