I'm a polymath blending tech and psychology to offer human-centered solutions. I built my first website at age 12 in Dreamweaver, got elected to political office at age 18, and graduated from Uppsala University at age 25 with a Communications degree. I built a successful side hustle as an Influencer and Educator on Human psychology and philosophy. I got my first job as a IT systems manager in Amsterdam at age 30, after building websites on a freelance basis. I started learning my fifth language at 31. And I've just gotten started. Right now, I'm pioneering the deployment of AI Agents in IAR Systems, where I work as a CRM Manager. I'm also writing futurist nonfiction with a positive and humanitarian twist. And now, I'm hosting my own Community meetup in Uppsala, while doing my own Podcast. Life's got so much to offer, more than ever, and I'm enjoying every minute of it!
