いつも応援してくださりありがとうございます!グッズができました!!リンクからどうぞ!各サブスクでも曲きけます!▶お問い合わせ窓口はこちらsolidbeats.contact@gmai.comまでお願いしますヘッダー、アイコン 3774.さん mobile.twitter.com/bokarokaku
1 video
I want to sleep more!
Your smile is Alien
I'll throw it away for a little over 10 minutes!
You're a lovely face
Let's sleep a lot on our days off!
Let's dance
Cheese Kajitchae!
Enjoy your decision!
Maybe Magic
Marshmallow Vanilla Ice Cream
My Boss My Mentor
Shouldn't I be late? Shouldn't? Shouldn't?
That's just the way it is!
I want to eat Watermelon Ice Cream
Life Is Beautiful