Computing should be Free, Open & Fun and Should be secured :-)
The official document will deliver exactly what you need, but you need patience to read & understand everything.
Build Your Own Lab and Test it ! Run it !! Understand from it !!!
Simply "Tell like it is, show like it is."
Opensource | Gnu software's & Linux | *BSDs | Python | Shell Scripting | (Z|C)yberSEC | Computer Hardware's
Personal Mottos:-
1."I'm not that much appa thakkar"
2."Respect everyone's Privacy 🔏"
3."Just redirect failure to /dev/null but don't forget to re-try script in your cron"
4."No more enemies, all are best friends 😄"
5. A Proud "முடிச்சவுக்கி" aka Tangle_Releaser 🤗
6. A confident Free Electron, An electron having the negative charge but impact is too positive, right 👍?