SchizoKitzo is project aimed at spreading awareness about psychotic disorders, specifically schizoaffective disorder. I talk about my experience with this condition, but also about the facts of various mental health topics through peer reviewed studies and other reliable sources.
A lot of what I talk about on this channel is uncomfortable, but SchizoKitzo is about making THAT which is uncomfortable, comfortable.
I felt that when I was diagnosed, I was alone. That even though 0.3% of the population has schizoaffective disorder (with another 2% making up schizophrenia and bipolar combined) I still felt isolated, even with the limited resources I DID have.
This channel WAS MADE to help people NOT feel alone and TO feel heard. It was made to give resources, but more importantly, insight into what having a serious psychotic disorder is really like.
So, will you join me in making the uncomfortable, comfortable? If so, subscribe to be a part of the journey.
Welcome to the Hive 🐝