Moments of Serenity…
Dear Viewer,
My greatest moments of serenity, besides those with God and those recalling my children and beloved friends, are the ones I spend with music, poetry, my students, teaching and noticing every aspect of nature that reflects the living reality of God. This channel is used to share with you all the love and joy I feel in these moments

I dedicate these shorts to my dearest brother, mi querido hermano, who has taught me about everything good, shown me unlimited kindness, and brought me many moments of serenity in his goodness to all mankind. My love and respect for him is expressed in many of the shorts documented here so that I, myself, may remember well what he has taught me. 🕊️🌹

Wishing you peace and every good.
Dona Nobis Pacem. 🙏🏻🕊️💕
Elise ♥️