Specializing in NIN remixes and rarities.

I'm finally getting around to uploading stuff. Expect more from me in the future.

Right now: I'm currently doing some stuff with Reaverbot (you can find his channel in the Fabrics on the right). I may also have some stuff planned for my other channel (or I may just make a new one to accompany what I have in mind). Whatever happens, I do plan on getting more stuff up on my main channel (most likely The Slip first) soon.

On temporary hiatus; whenever I can find the time (or will) to upload more I shall do so. I've still got a ways to go before I feel "satisfied" with what I've uploaded.

*One more note: Gotta apologize to you guys. During the process of getting these up for you, a few tracks didn't make the cut to be uploaded. Reason being is because I've run the CD's down so much due to excessive usage in my CD player, that the player couldn't rip certain tracks that were run down. Once again, I apologize to you guys so much. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope that you'll find what I can upload enough.