Welcome to Happy Hour Conversations with Tamekia where women share their voices, stories, support each other and have a good time with lots of laughter. Tap into our space where we normalize hard, emotional, and raw discussions sprinkled with light, love, and laughter that your stomach will hurt.
Our content are real stories, feelings, filled with authenticity and emotions shared to help heal and educate our Sistah-friend tribe. It’ll make you want to share your story!
We are forever redefining ourselves and adjusting the puzzle pieces of life as they shift. Hit subscribe to stay tuned as we encourage our community to focus on Growth, being the Best Version of Seif, and Exercising in Faith Over Fear.
Join our Sistah-friend tribe at Happy Hour Conversations with Tamekia where voice matters, laughing is medicine, and redefining HER identity is essential.
#Subscribenow #Herstory #Redefining #Hervoice #Sisterhood