Welcome to my channel, I hope you have fun watching my videos. (Also special thanks to my friends, all the dumb stuff we do together motivates me)私のチャンネルへようこそ。私の厄介な文法を楽しんでください...笑実際に私のビデオを見て楽しんでください。すべての私の友人に特別なおかげです。君たちは最高です!
10 videos
Way of the samurai 2 侍2
1 video
132 videos
AFK arena
19 videos
Silent Hill 0rigins
4 videos
Castlevania Dawn of Symphony Alucard Rom Hack
-1 video
Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance Revenge of the Findesiecle Hack
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
9 videos
Assorted Games/Animes Soundtracks
Castlevania Soundtracks
8 videos
Grandia 2 Soundtracks
Lords Of Thunder Soundtracks
12 videos
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1
2 videos
Alundra 1 Gameplay
Harvest Moon Back To Nature
The Witch's House Gameplay
3 videos
Ib Gameplay
16 videos
The Crooked Man Gameplay
Chrono Cross Gameplay
13 videos
Mass Effect Soundtracks (Disc 1 and 2)
Nuts game stuff
5 videos
Yakuza Soundtracks
6 videos
Fighting list
Silent hill
28 videos
Silent Hill Rebirth Original Soundtracks