Pro Cyc, Inc. - Cycloramas, Green Screens & Infinity Backgrounds

Pro Cyc, Inc. ( is the world leader in the design and manufacture of cyclorama ("cyc") backgrounds used for green screen, blue screen and other infinity backgrounds. When you watch CNN, ESPN, NFL NETWORK, MSNBC, CNBC and many other networks, they are all using Pro Cyc backgrounds in their virtual sets. Remember those old GAP television ads with the swing dancers against an infinite white background? Yep...Pro Cyc. From built-in to freestanding and portable cycs, Pro Cyc is the best infinity background virtual set solution on the market.

Pro Cyc isn't just for the big studios... Since all systems are modular they can be configured to fit virtually any studio space and budget. Currently all cycs are custom ordered to user specifications, but packaged systems will be available soon in several configurations. Visit for more info.