Toonsmyth Productions

Toonsmyth Productions is the home of Goku vs Everybody, Ultimate Cartoon Fighting, and all your favorite cartoons!


SHIRTS are now available!

For those of you who write asking what programs I use: I mainly use Adobe FLASH for the animation. Any painted backgrounds are done in ProCreate Painter 7.0, and 3D elements are done with 3D Studio Max.

5-10-11 - Lil' Coco Adventures is featured as a bumper on tbs CONAN
8-4-11 - The Flaming C Adventures is featured as a bumper on tbs CONAN
2-9-12 - Tom Hardy mentions Dark Knight Rises Sneak Preview cartoon in an interview with MTV Movie News
7-25-12 - Union Pacific Contest Entry wins 2nd place
3-31-13 - Toonsmyth Productions joins Collective Digital Studios