Just a mildly unconventional couple sharing stories and ideas for a simple, purposeful and healthy life.

Simple ▫️ Living mindfully with minimalist tastes.
Purposeful ▫️ Creating meaning in our everyday.
Healthy ▫️ Treating our bodies and minds right.

Worth thinking.

Thoughtworthy Co

When are you free for our date? 🥂

Our new video will be revealing our honest thoughts after sitting on the floor at our workspace for more than 5 years. It’s ready to go live this weekend, so tell us: Which day do you prefer to watch this premiere together with us?

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 13

Thoughtworthy Co

Happy Monday! Quick news: we sent out an email newsletter recently, and this short edition is available for all to read on our newsletter page. Check it out here: newsletter.thoughtworthy.co/p/most-damaging-activi…

1 month ago | [YT] | 21

Thoughtworthy Co

It’s been almost 4 years since we’ve made a video dedicated to floor sitting. We’ll be revisiting the topic through a series of videos, and we’re curious what y’all would like to see.

Got any questions about our experience of floor sitting?
Questions about the benefits? Disadvantages?
Like to know more about specific floor desk/chair products or alternatives?

Ask us anything! 👇

1 month ago | [YT] | 153

Thoughtworthy Co

Can your toes spread out wide like this?

1️⃣ Yes, as wide or even wider.
2️⃣ I can spread them a little, but not that wide.
3️⃣ No, feet aren’t supposed to do that 😮

👣 Your footwear choices may be messing up your feet and the rest of your body. We explore how barefoot shoes could potentially be one part of the solution to undo the damage 👉 https://youtu.be/Bk6Eyif1iVc

1 month ago | [YT] | 44

Thoughtworthy Co

Have you tried barefoot shoes? Tell us your first thoughts on minimalist barefoot shoes in the comments!

2 months ago | [YT] | 8

Thoughtworthy Co

Curious to find out, ahead of our next video… Are you familiar with minimalist barefoot shoes?

2 months ago | [YT] | 16

Thoughtworthy Co

A few weeks ago, we did a small giveaway of our wallpaper packs to our newsletter subscribers. The following are the top 4 most downloaded color variants, which one is your favorite?

For existing email subscribers, check your email by 31 July if you’re still interested in claiming a free wallpaper pack. If you’re not yet subscribed, make sure to do so, so you don’t miss out the next time: thoughtworthy.co/newsletter/

2 months ago | [YT] | 30

Thoughtworthy Co

Four quotes that encapsulate advice(below) we would give our younger selves.

1. Be selective about external voices you let in your head. Everyone has opinions, and some of them are going to be really crappy. At times, you’ll have crappy opinions of your own too, so don’t waste time imposing them on others or judging how they choose to live their lives.

2. Comparison isn’t just the thief of joy, it’s a toxic habit that poisons our inner peace. Our greatest achievement is not going to be our riches — instead, it’s the ability to be happy being our true selves, following our own definition of success.

3. Always keep your sense of humor. Always. It’s the superpower that will turn the difficult into the easy. Terrible situations will always feel terrible when you’re in the moment, but with time and maturity, we’ll eventually be able to look back at those moments and laugh about it.

4. You are going to fail. Everyone’s going to fail at some point. It’s a failure in itself to have never failed, as that would mean you have not tested yourself hard enough. So fail more often, and fail faster.

Which one resonates most? Which one(s) do you disagree with? 🤔

3 months ago | [YT] | 152

Thoughtworthy Co

Agree or disagree?
Note: this is simply based on past personal experiences and recent observations.

It’s not uncommon to feel jaded in adulthood — feeling lost, unfulfilled, and pessimistic about life. Call us overly optimistic or naïve, but we think there are always solutions to problems. Often, it’s a matter of choice.

So, choose to prioritize your well-being, happiness, and your values :)

📺 Related watch: 12 Lessons for a Simple and Purposeful Life https://youtu.be/adl2Z1PAgiA

4 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 147

Thoughtworthy Co

Recently, we’ve been thinking a lot about our journey — the journey of building a simple, and more importantly, purposeful life.

Purpose, to us, is living in a way that’s true to ourselves, and where we can find the things we spend our time and energy on to be meaningful and worthwhile. There are many lessons we’ve learned along the way in the (lifelong) process of figuring it out.

Just humbly sharing 4 of these lessons with this post.

Do you feel a strong sense of purpose? If you “haven’t figured it out” (which is perfectly fine), ask a question that’s on your mind in the comments. If you’ve learned a thing or two about your purpose in life, leave a few words of wisdom for those who need to hear it.

Happy weekend :)

📺 Related watch: 12 Lessons for a Simple and Purposeful Life https://youtu.be/adl2Z1PAgiA

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 107