Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

Bill is the Senior Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California. He serves a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power.

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

‪@KVMinistries‬ says "The dogs of doom stand at the doors of your destiny. When you hear them barking you know you are near your promise land."

Don't give up just because you are experiencing opposition. The enemy wants to make you think that you are losing the battle, but in reality, God has already confirmed the victory. Paul instructed Timothy to use his prophetic words as weapons in spiritual warfare. Be encouraged and strengthened by God's Word. He is faithful.

▶️ There's Food In the Fight:

#SpiritualWarfare #Victim #Victor #Victory #TheresFoodInTheFight #BillJohnson #Bethel

3 days ago | [YT] | 672

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

To the measure you are without hope, is the measure you are under the influence of a lie. God's promises over you give you reason to live with great hope every day of your life. There is nothing you and I will face that caught Him by surprise, and no difficulty or challenge that He does not already have a solution for.

▶️ There Is Hope For What You Are Facing:

#Hope #Promise #GodsPromise #HopeJoyAndTheSupernatural #BillJohnson #Bethel

1 week ago | [YT] | 587

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

One of the most tragic stories in Scripture, for me, is David's sin with Bathsheba. It happened " the time when kings go out to battle... David remained at Jerusalem" 2 Samuel 11:1.

When you're not in the battle you were born for, you'll face battles you have no grace for.

▶️ There's Food In the Fight:

#SpiritualWarfare #Grace #SpiritualBattle #Winning #TheresFoodInTheFight #BillJohnson #Bethel

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 611

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

I have found that in my most difficult moments, I don’t need answers; I need presence. The Spirit gives us peace that surpasses understanding—if we give up our right to understand.

Answers and understanding aren’t wrong; God just doesn’t owe me any explanations. My quest is always for wisdom and understanding, but I don’t have the right to hold Him hostage to an explanation. I cannot limit God to what I understand, or I will have created a god in my image.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

▶️ Hearing Leads to Faith:

#Peace #Understanding #Presence #Prayer #Grief #Mourning #Hope #BillJohnson #Bethel

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,221

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

Faith is not pretending that a problem doesn't exist. Real faith is choosing to see from God's perspective and allowing His truth define our reality. We cannot afford to let anxiety and fear shape our hearts and minds. Faith comes from trust in the goodness of God and His commitment to work all things together for our good.

▶️ Faith Sees:

#Faith #RealFaith #GodIsGood #Romans828 #BillJohnson

1 month ago | [YT] | 784

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

To live the way that God has assigned us to live requires us to think in terms of who we are because of grace. We can't afford to think things about ourselves that He is not thinking.

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

▶️ Living an Abundant Life:

#Mind #RenewedMind #Gospel #Salvation #TheCross #Redeemed #Faith #WhatWeOweTheWorld #BillJohnson #Bethel

1 month ago | [YT] | 795

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

Scripture talks about 'reigning in life', but reigning in life is not ruling over people. It's about using our God-given authority to serve and empower others. We are called to rule with the heart of a servant, and serve with the heart of a king.

▶️ Courageous Humility:

#Serve #Empower #Authority #ReignInLife #Romans5v17 #Proverbs #CourageousHumility #BillJohnson #Bethel

1 month ago | [YT] | 899

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

There is a supernatural reasoning available to us when we submit our minds to God. The renewed mind anchors into what God has said above every other voice. You know that your mind is renewed when the impossible looks logical.

▶️ Revealing God's Brilliance:

#RenewedMind #Mind #Faith #Impossible #Possible #Romans12 #BillJohnson #Bethel

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,066

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

Have you ever been burdened down by something, and no matter what you did it would not lift?

There were many times that I would pray, and pray, and pray, but could not shake the burden I was under. It took me a while to learn, but I discovered that if I danced, it would break in no time. The situation didn't necessarily change, but my perspective and sense of hope in the face of a particular challenge was completely transformed.

I think that to choose joy in the midst of difficulty is sometimes the greatest expression of faith.

▶️ Keys to Promotion:

#Joy #Faith #Oppression #Burden #Dance #ShoutForJoy #KeysToPromotion #BillJohnson #Bethel

1 month ago | [YT] | 769

Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)

God's desire is for us to become the very thing that is taught in Scripture. For example, acts of generosity are how we step into a lifestyle of generosity. We follow God in obedience and faith, until that becomes our nature or our default. The renewed mind is what empowers us to think and to live like Christ.

▶️ Faith Sees:

#RenewedMind #Faith #Obedience #FaithSees #BillJohnson #Bethel

2 months ago | [YT] | 1,004