AMMACHI Labs (Amrita Multi Modal Applications and Human Computer Interaction) and CWEGE (Center for Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality) of Amrita University use a Problem Driven Iterative Approach to research, design and implement technologies, for the purpose of solving social problems leading to inclusive development of under-served communities.
Under the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, our research centers will engage in Civil20 by leading the C20 Working group on Gender Equality and Disability. As a coordinators, our priority will be to encourage G20 countries to ensure the principles of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion in development efforts based on economic justice, welfare, and comprehensive health services for women
and marginalized groups.
Our work is inspired by the renowned humanitarian and spiritual teacher, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi or simply Amma. She is know around the world as the hugging saint.