Inspirations With Monica

Hello, Im Monica šŸ˜Š And welcome to my channel! This is a place of inspiration and encouragement. Real talk. Basic and simple! All are welcomedšŸŒŽ.No judgement because there's not one person that walks this earth today that is perfect. We strive to be like JESUS! We all need Godā€™s mercy and forgiveness every day!
We have God's Word as a guide on how to live this life, but that doesn't mean we'll all do life perfect. God knows, and He understands. Don't be so hard on yourself, God will meet you where you are, but you won't stay there! He'll lead you, and guide you by His Holy Spirit. We walk imperfectly with Him, for He is the perfect one! You don't have to try to become perfect to walk alongside Him. It's impossible beloved. God will help you along this journey called life. He want the stress and the weight off of you and given to Him. Iā€™m simply here to share my faith in a simple way, as God have lead me to do. God Isnā€™t forceful, nor should we be! Thank You for viewing this channel!


Shared 55 years ago