ELITE DANGUS, a space comedy series in Elite Dangerous Odyssey. Full or made up lore, bad role playing, jokes that will make your space dad groan and an obsessive quest to find David Braben and make him reveal the location of Raxxla.
235 videos
Dangus Streams
Spatula 007 (Spatula)
108 videos
Elite Dangus The Movie (in order from oldest to newest)
131 videos
Elite: Dangus
12 videos
Elite Dangerous Music
210 videos
2 videos
48 Hour Films
31 videos
Jamming Tunes
7 videos
Dangus 007
Ultimate Kerbal Space Program
How to Die in Elite Dangerous
3 videos
elite dangerous jokes
225 videos
Music to Play Rocket League to
10 videos
Elite Dangerous: The Killer Detective
cat slap music
5 videos
Spatula's Crackpot Elite Dangus Theories
Fallout: New Dangus
-1 video
Citizen Dangus
Dyin' in the 80's
16 videos
Bradford's Elite School of Flying
Deep Space Dangus
14 videos
The Enigma Expedangus
142 videos
My Favorites
X-Com 2: Ironman Boogaloo - The Lost Episodes
21 videos
XCom 2: Ironman Boogaloo (Season 1)
Derd By Derlight
Spatula Trek - Star Trek Bridge Crew VR
CTRL + ALT + SPACE 2017 - Spatula's Picks
Titanfall Toot
15 videos