Arma 3 as seen through the lens of Serious Fun. Come share the unique experiences of Shack Tactical, a fifteen-year-running community I lead. I've been playing the Arma series in multiplayer for almost two decades and have been running my group, ShackTac, for over fifteen years as well. What we've developed in gameplay and ethos I call 'Serious Fun', and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I create content based around gameplay footage of our Arma 3 sessions as well as instructional/tutorial aspects of the Arma series, with an emphasis on high-quality and high standards of production and editing. I value my time, and by extension, yours as well - if I put something out, it's there for good reason and you're going to find some good entertainment in it.

If you have a question for me, feel free to ask it via the blog linked below. It's a good way to share the answer with a broad range of people who might have had a similar question yet not voiced it.


Just a quick note to say that I still haven't found time to do my next batch of videos, so there will likely be another week or so before the new ones start coming out. Nothing bad leading to this, just a lot of things I want to do and editing is lower on the list at the moment.

1 year ago | [YT] | 174


If you missed the premiere, my 2022 Year in Review video is up.

I'll be taking a video break for a bit now that this has been released. Expect session videos to resume early January.

1 year ago | [YT] | 41


I've been creating regular videos for ten years straight at this point - from just after DayZ's initial mod release to now. I have almost 1800 public videos on Youtube - 180 per year, which is an average of one video every other day for ten years. That's a staggering amount of time spent editing, not to mention that I've done ten year in review videos now, which are monstrous amounts of work.

In light of that, and to continue what I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to make an additional change going forward - one that I should have probably made awhile back.

First, to set the stage. The way I create session videos these days is based around collecting footage over a given month, then editing it in the closing days of the month. This takes a good chunk of time, plus uploading/thumbnails/yt nonsense.

The implicit pressure is that I always need to have a month's worth of videos scheduled, and have a seamless transition without any periods without video releases.

At this time of the year, I have a ton of editing I need to do for the Year in Review video, and that means my saturation point for editing is hit more quickly than otherwise. I don't always want to edit. Creating video titles is something that's surprisingly draining, as I'm often needing to come up with 10-20 unique new titles in a short period of days. Same with making thumbnails or preparing videos on Youtube, it's just a draining, time-consuming process.

To be clear, Youtube has an insignificant return on investment for these efforts. I don't do it for that. I'm someone who's doing this primarily to chronicle my experiences with my group, and someone who has plenty of other things I want to spend time on.

It's time for me to stop feeling the pressure of a strict timetable and the continuity concerns that come with it. It's an unhealthy background stressor that I'd like - no, *need* - to be rid of.

I don't want to let people down by not having videos released, but I also don't want to completely burn myself out on this. I had intended to make this as a video/voiceover announcement, but quite honestly I don't have it in me right now, so this'll have to do.

Going forward, particularly during the year-in-review time of the year, I won't be going out of my way to create or release videos to try to keep a seamless release schedule. I'll edit when I'm in the mood, release when I have things to release (sticking to the M/W/F schedule noted previously), and otherwise just carry on with my life.

Like now, for instance. Nothing's scheduled, I don't really feel like editing today, but I'll get to it soon enough - I just won't be doing it because I feel pressured to do so.

Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Take care!

2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 707


I'm making two small changes to how I handle Youtube going forward, intended to make it take less of my time to manage and be more predictable for others.

1. I'll no longer be making twitter posts for typical session videos. If it's something special (like the Reforger overview, for instance, or AOF/VTTP/Hindsight etc), I'll likely tweet about it, but in general I won't spend the time. There's no real engagement with the session video tweets, and anyone interested in those videos is already subscribed to me.

2. All videos are being scheduled from here on out. The release time is 6pm EST, dates are generally M/W/F/Sun, but if a month is busy I'll often have other release days as well.

That's it, just two simple changes.

2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 377


I'll be resuming videos in the next few days. These last few days have been rough and my focus has been elsewhere.
If you're curious, I wrote about it here:

2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 225


As you probably noticed in my most recent video, everything I'll be putting out going forward will be rendered as 60fps thanks to a recent system upgrade.

2 years ago | [YT] | 88


Would you be interested in a series of videos talking about what it's been like running a community for the past 15+ years? If so, what sorts of topics would you find interesting for such a thing - or what specific questions would you have about it?

3 years ago | [YT] | 90


Imagine a Youtube where people subscribed to you reliably saw your videos in their feeds.

<stares in Hindsight/VTTP/AOF/YIR>

3 years ago | [YT] | 148


If you've been following me for long enough you've likely noticed that I'm not a person to talk when I don't have something to say. As a result of this, when I'm in a subordinate position (like just a rifleman) in a mission there are times when I won't actually say anything for quite awhile. When considering making videos of missions, this is something that crosses my mind and I'm curious what others think of it. My thought is that people will still potentially find that kind of footage interesting regardless of how much I'm talking, since as a player I find it interesting in the first place.

Would you generally agree with that? Bear in mind that this has zero bearing on how I actually play missions, only on what I make videos of.

3 years ago | [YT] | 142


In creating the YIR 2020 video, and particularly in going through the 100+ hours of footage to collect clips, I had a great old guy moment where my middle (scrolling) finger had actually gotten a little sore from tons upon tons upon tons of clicky scrolling. I ended up switching over to smooth scroll as a result, and since then I've been liking it a lot. I still use clicky for games, but editing/browsing/etc is now smooth.

When not gaming, what method do you prefer? For me it's turned into smooth after decades of clicky.

3 years ago | [YT] | 54