An earnest seeker will transcend wordy knowledge (Gita 6.44)

I am a seeker, a Jijnasu, not a Guru. There are many people who are in touch with the source of their being every moment of their life, and there are many others who are going through their days totally clueless about it. But I am neither. I am someone who has watched the trailer. And all this is just a trailer review!

My background briefly:
B.E. in Chemical Engineering from NITK, Surathkal
Software Engineer at Cognizant (India and US) for 5 years
M.Sc. in Yoga from S-VYASA
Volunteered as teacher at S-VYASA for 4 years
Worked as Assistant Professor at S-VYASA for 1 year
Volunteer at Isha foundation

Authored the book "INQUIRY - Waking Up from Beliefs Waking Up to Life"
Authored an article on Uncertainty Principle (quantum physics) for a reputed science journal
Received award from Shringeri Sharada Peetham for successful memorization of Gita
Translated 'Death' book by Sadhguru into Kannada