Life is beautiful. Grace and Integrity (not niceness) matter to followers of Christ, both online and offline, and both for people we like and people we don't. Stoicism, self discipline, empathy are all good things. Speak the truth, assume nothing, and forgive everyone, especially your elders. Their lives and minds can become very difficult to manage as age takes hold, physical and mental capacity wanes, and the production of sex hormone ceases. They often feel misunderstood, and their mental and physical conditions can cause them to have angry, paranoid episodes, as well as sometimes violent ones. It's always best to just say your peace and walk away from any argument they make, no matter how abusive and delusional they may be, as continued discourse with them may only fuel their delusions. Remember, calling adult services is always an option, when you encounter one who is a danger to themselves and others. ♥️