Welcome to my sanctuary of music and meditation – Music, often called the language of the soul, is my chosen medium to foster deep connections and resonate with the harmonies of the universe.

Each melody, pause, and note here is an expression, a journey that guides me toward deeper levels of love, freedom, and inner peace. This channel is more than just a platform for me; it's a mission. A mission to use the power of music to inspire you to remember your own light, love, and power.

As we individually attune to our true essence through this universal language, our collective vibration rises. Together, we not only embrace our personal healing but also contribute to a planet vibrating with love and unity.

Join me and, together, let's create ripples of change, one soulful note at a time.

All my love,


My dear friend Ali just released a new song! Just so beautiful ❤️

2 months ago | [YT] | 192


Years ago, I shared with Ali my dream of creating a concert that wasn’t just a performance but an experience—one where the music would transform those who heard it. Today, we are thrilled to announce that this dream has become a reality!

We invite you, beautiful Soul Family, to join us on the “Rise” Europe tour, where we will share a mesmerizing soundscape of melodies and sounds.

Get your tickets here: bit.ly/Mei-lanRiseTour

This tour is designed for experiencing deep emotional release, empowerment, and inspiration. We believe in the transformative power of music to heal, uplift, and connect us all.

“Rise” is more than just a concert; it’s a movement, a celebration of our collective strength and resilience. Now, more than ever, is our time to stand together and rise into all that we are meant to be.

Join us for an unforgettable journey of sound and soul as we embrace this global moment to rise.

Manchester ~ August 30
Paris ~ September 7
Amsterdam ~ September 28

All my love,

3 months ago | [YT] | 1,100


8 months ago | [YT] | 407


Creating the Music Sanctuary App has truly been a labor of love, with the intention to support you in new ways in your daily life.

You will have access to all of my music, albums, as well as many meditations and exclusive content. You'll also enjoy a new, personalized experience every time you open the app, with new suggestions, personal messages from me, and so much more.

You can explore the Music Sanctuary app here: apps.apple.com/app/id1614370581

I can't wait to hear about your experience in the Music Sanctuary! 🙏

~ Mei-lan

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 977


Are you in Bali?

Join me and Ali for a live performance here in Ubud Bali on Friday, July 21st.
Experience the transformative power of music and allow it to ignite your soul and inspire you.

You can get tickets here: megatix.co.id/events/mei-lan-ali-pervez-mehdi

We welcome you into this energetic experience where music becomes a journey of the heart.

1 year ago | [YT] | 1,503


Will be joining us for the Freedom Concert in London? 

The Early Bird discount ends in 2 days. Get your tickets here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-freedom-concert-feat-me…

1 year ago | [YT] | 1,102


Life is a series of experiences, a dance between joy, sorrow, fear, love, and everything in between. Throughout our journeys, it can be easy to retreat, and shield ourselves from potential pain or close down our hearts altogether out of fear of being hurt.

I've often retreated in this way when things felt like too much, and through my journey, I've come to understand the impact this has had on my overall wellbeing.

When we create walls to shield ourselves, we may prevent pain from coming through, but we also block something far more significant, our own heart and the natural flow of love within us. This closing off can dampen the quality of our life experience, limiting our capacity to connect, love, and experience joy fully.

It can be challenging to dismantle these walls we built around our hearts, especially if they've been put there out of fear or deep hurt caused by rejection, abandonment, loss, or fear (all big ones for me).

Opening the heart is a journey that requires courage, self-reflection, and sometimes a bit of support. If you find yourself longing for a deeper connection with your heart, you're not alone.
With immense love and compassion, I'd like to share with you my Heart Awakening Series, 3 powerful meditations aimed at supporting you on your journey towards heart reconnection:

These meditations are designed to gently guide you into peeling back the layers, reopening your heart, and reawakening the innate love within you.

Life is too short to live with a shielded heart. I hope these meditations provide you with the necessary tools to bring down the walls and open yourself up to the beauty of limitless love and connectedness.

Thank you for taking the time to be here and I am excited to embark on this Heart Awakening journey with you.

With tender love,

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 3,234


Experience the power of music like never before, as Mei-lan and Ali Pervez Mehdi perform LIVE together for the first time in the Freedom Concert. This unforgettable experience, taking place in London on August 19th, will ignite your soul and leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.

Get your tickets today: tcche.org/the-freedom-concert-2023/

More than just a performance, the Freedom Concert is an odyssey of the heart. You’re not just our audience; you’re our fellow travelers. Let’s traverse this musical universe together and embark on a memorable, emotional voyage.

1 year ago | [YT] | 796


For a limited time, I’m discounting ALL my courses by 40% as an exclusive gift for you.
Receive them here: mei-lanmaurits.com/pages/my-birthday-sale

These courses have brought immense positive shift and change in my life, and I firmly believe that by diving deep into soul work, we can unlock our true potential and elevate the quality of our life experiences.

I hope you join me in this exciting journey towards transforming your life and unlocking your true potential!

All my love,

1 year ago | [YT] | 693