welcome to on Just Jesus YouTube Channel. On behalf of the members of our Channel, It is my humble privilege to extend a warm word of greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our Just Jesus YouTube. We are a community who have come to fellowship and praise our God with vigor and joy. We extend our love to the people around us through generosity, invitation, and compassion.

we need your help to continue sharing inspiring sermons 📖. If you feel led to support us, please consider sending a donation via Western Union to our bank account🏦.
Bank name: Habib Bank Limited (HBL)
IBAN: PK32 HABB 0024187000793403
Country: Pakistan
City: Lahore
Contact us: justjesus242@gmail.com

God loves you and has a plan for you!
The Problem: Our Separation from God
God’s Bridge: The Cross
Our Response: Receive Christ
The focus of JUST JESUS YouTube Channel is to inspire motivate and encourage to others by Word of God


Shared 55 years ago