Welcome to my Channel!
BTW my name is Steve
Here you'll find:
Currently Uploading: Actually I'm somewhat upset with YT at the moment, so nothing for a while until some issues get resolved.
Coming Within a Few Weeks:
Boss Themes will probably be what I'll be doing until late July.
My rules are:
1. Absolutely no Flames! I'll block you if you do.
I have other interests aside from VGM music wise, I like trance and some rock.
Top 3 RPGs
1. Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia
2. Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
3. Riviera: The Promised Land
Top 3 SRPGs
1. Yggdra Union
2. Disgaea 2
3. Jeanne D'Arc