Basically I'm a Beat Maker from Ohio that makes music using "FL Studio" who hopes of one day becoming a Professional Music Producer.
I truly appreciate it when people view my videos, and I am even more grateful when people like and or subscribe to my channel.
I am always inspired by what the latest trends and sounds in music and production.
I have always loved video game music from games such as sonic, mario, street fighter, etc. especially the classics. I have looked up to a couple of hip-hop artist, and a couple of music producers throughout the years on youtube and soundcloud, such as NatsuFuji, Kensabeast, 2EZ2, Raisi K, Ethereal Universe, etc. I listen to all sorts of music really, and I like to implement my ideas into the music I create or remix.
if there are any questions, music request, Collaboration, etc. just ask :) and thank you.
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Shared 55 years ago