Hola! Bienvenidos a mi canal dedicado en especial a los éxitos musicales del rock con Subtitulos en Ingles y Español, ★VideosRodrigo's Lyrics y Subtítulos★ los invito a formar parte de esta gran familia, estén muy atentos que seguiré subiendo mas vídeos. Rock is never gonna die! Gracias por su apoyo guys! LOVE U!
Hi! Welcome my channel. It's dedicated especially to rock music. Dedicated with love and effort. In special to all my subscribers and internet users who form part of this channel ★VideosRodrigo's Lyrics and Subtitles★ I hope that everyone form part of this big family of music rock. Don't forget to be very attentive that I will continue uploading videos. I love you Guys!!
Peace And Love
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