Mi canal de YouTube será acerca de los color coded lyrics videos de canciones de kpop, para aquellos a los que les guste y deseen ver estas ^-^
Intentaré hacer el mejor trabajo para que disfruten de los videos al 100%
Si tienen sugerencias, peticiones o correcciones, tienen total libertad de hacerlas.
Espero disfruten de mis videos y mi canal.

My YouTube channel will be about the color coded lyrics videos of kpop songs, for those who like and want to see these ^ - ^
I will try to do the best job so you can enjoy the videos 100%
If they have suggestions, requests or corrections, they are completely free to make them.
I hope you enjoy my videos and my channel.


Well, Hi

Esta publicación la haré en español porque me puedo expresar de mejor manera, quienes no hablan español lo pueden traducir (lo siento)

Como lo habrán notado (o no, si no están al tanto de este canal), no he estado subiendo videos de los últimos comebacks de grupos; tenía pensado hacer videos para los comebacks de: TWICE - DIVE, WEEEKLY - BLISS, AESPA - HOT MESS, (G)I-DLE - I SWAY, DREAMCATCHER - VIRTUOUS y las próximas actividades de tripleS VISIONARY VISION y ###, pero ya no los haré.

La razón es la siguiente: No voy a volver a subir vídeos al canal, o por lo menos no por un buen tiempo, no por razones de problemas técnicos o falta de tiempo, sino por falta de motivación. Este canal lo empecé como un hobby en un momento difícil para mi y como distracción, pero ahora lo siento como un trabajo raro que no es pago y siento un poco de presión y no veo nada a cambio, siento un bajón de vistas y de interacciones con los nuevos vídeos, y aunque suene algo muy banal, realmente es algo que afecta, ya que doy mucho de mi tiempo en hacer los videos y hacerlos lo mejor posible. Pero la razón principal es la que dije inicialmente, ya no hay motivación y le he perdido un poco el gusto.

Siento que si me dan ganas de hacer y subir algún video lo haré, pero en general no habrá mucha actividad en el canal.

Espero puedan entender y si vuelvo al canal de manera regular, recibiré a todo aquel que vea y comente en los vídeos con mucho cariño.

Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo, por el momento será un hasta luego.


3 months ago | [YT] | 44


I hope you're very great

I'm glad to announce that the channel had reach 3k subscribers!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
I'm very happy and feel very grateful with all you guys, thank you for following, watching, liking, sharing, commenting and interacting with the videos, also thank you so much for helping me when I had to correct any video.
I genually never though I could reach that amount of subscribers when I creat the channel.

I'd like to make a '3k subscribers special', but nothing comes to my mind, so I like to ask you for ideas to the special video.
I'll keep uploading new videos while find out what video make.

Again thank you so much and I love you.

Espero que todos estén muy bien
¡¡¡Me alegra mucho anunciar que el canal ha alcanzado los 3 mil suscriptores!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Estoy muy feliz por ello y estoy muy agradecido con todos ustedes, gracias en serio por suscribirse, por dar like, por ver, por compartir, comentar e interactuar con los videos, y también gracias por ayudarme cuando debía corregir algún video.
La verdad, nunca creí que llegaría a tener esa cantidad de subscriptores cuando creé el canal.

Quiero hacer un video "Especial 3.000 suscriptores", pero nada se me ocurre, así que me gustaría pedirles chic@s si me pueden dar ideas para el video.
Seguiré subiendo videos mientras decido que hacer para el especial.

Muchas gracias nuevamente, los quiero muchísimo.

4 months ago | [YT] | 32


Well, Hi again!

Hope you're doing fine.
About the tripleS 'ASSEMBLE24' b-sides' videos, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do...
I'll try to figure out which members sings each part (even thought I don't know well the voices), and if I have any part wrong (surelly too much parts wrongs) please let me know and tell me in a polite wa hehe.

Thank you for reading and watching the videos.

5 months ago | [YT] | 61



tripleS just comeback as a full 24 members with 'ASSEMBLE24' 🎉

Since they're 24 members, I don't know or can't recognize that well their voices, I'd like to ask for help to make the b-sides' videos

So, if you're WAV, can recognize their voices and would you like to help me, you can contact me writting to this e-mail:

I'd appreciate any help, (also, I'll give special credits for the help) Thank you!!

5 months ago | [YT] | 55


Hi guys! I hope you're doing great in this new year

I'm here to ask yo the next video you want to see. I've been working on videos of three groups, so tell me wich you want to see first

Thank you and I hope you have a great week 🫶🏼

9 months ago | [YT] | 25


Well Hiii!

I'm sorry for not telling you this early, this Christmas and new year's eve I've been so busy.

But I wanna thank to all of you for watching, liking, commenting, sharing my videos, and also for being with me in this year full of great music and great moments.

I wish you a very bright and happy 2024.

I'll be always thankful with you, and I'll be back with videos near.

Love you all ❤️

9 months ago | [YT] | 26


Hello! I haven't done a poll in a while, so I'm back to ask you about XG's colors.

Apparently XG has official colors since the MASCARA era, but I didn't know this, so the colors I have used for the videos are rainbow colors in a pastel tone.

So I would like to know what you prefer, the colors that I have used (rainbow) or the official colors (Chisa-yellow, Hinata-blue, Jurin-white, Harvey-purple, Juria-orange, Maya-red, Cocona-green)?

Please let me know.

Love you all so much. 🫶🏼

10 months ago | [YT] | 21


Hi, it’s me again I’m back

Guys, I want to ask you something about Queendom Puzzle's videos.

Even when the show ends, would you like me to upload the videos, even if it's later than the realease date?

I want to know, so please click/tap the tap you want, and I'll try to upload it as soon as possible.
Thank you, and see you later

1 year ago | [YT] | 12


Hi guys, how you're doing? I hope you're doing great!

Well, I don't feel happy at all. Lastly I had some problems with the apps and programs that I use to create the videos, and the worst for me it's that these apps became paid apps, and I don't have any money.

So, sadly I decided to stop the videos, just until I found new apps or a way to pay the other ones.

I hope you can understand why I take the decision, also hope that you can support the channel when I get back to make videos again.

That's all, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night. Luv ya

1 year ago | [YT] | 13


Hi everyone!! Hoy you're doing?

I wanna get into ATEEZ's music world, and the best way it's making videos about them :D
So tell me, would you like to see ATEEZ LYRICS' VIDEOS?

Luv ya'll

1 year ago | [YT] | 11