A channel that shares home repair DIY and daily life as well as personal views and insights on the international community (or some theological thoughts). I hope that I can continue to make better videos to share with everyone. I am currently an office worker and the husband of a wife. We have two children and have been learning how to be good fathers. We also have brothers who coordinate and serve in church life. We don’t have much time, so there is no editing or post-production. I hope to share it in the purest way.
I was named Uncle Slash because, I hope to become the royal slash coach of God Himself, the Lord of heaven and earth and the Lord of all things (He is the founder and perfecter of true slash; Uncle is one of His disciples), so that His divine life, which can adapt to all circumstances, can be manifested in wisdom through those who rely on Him (all Christians, catechumens, or seekers), may He Bless you all, and glory to God and to the Lamb. Amen, hallelujah.
Shared 1 month ago
Shared 1 month ago
Shared 9 months ago