Beautiful Meditation

Hello and welcome to Beautiful Meditation. This channel is designed to assist with meditation and sleep.

Getting enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-being. When it comes to your health, sleep is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet.

We have designed each of our videos to fall under three categories.

- Music and Video for Mediation
- Music, Video and Voice Affirmations
- Black Screen Theme with Ambient Sounds for Sleep

These categories will assist with aiding in sleep, studying, stress relief or calming meditation. Additionally, we have added a few other video aids, such as Video Color Chakras and Self Gratitude Mental Training.

Our sleep aid videos are 10 hours to insure full 10 hour coverage for sleep.

We hope you enjoy our videos and please comment if you would like to see other meditation or sleep aid videos.

Thank You !
Beautiful Mediation

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