
Welcome to the Channel!

TheKingdom&theCulture channel was created to understand where the kingdom of God stands in our society today.
We are dedicated to sharing the gospel with as many as possible and answering some of Christianity's greatest and most frequently asked questions.

Our goal is to help you grow in your faith!

The glory goes to God for all that He's done through the redemptive work of His Son, Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit who lives on the inside of us.

To show some love and support our ministry, please follow the link below:$Jaymcnespey

Every dollar is a blessing and it helps us continue producing content for the Kingdom.
I pray that God blesses you for your willingness to sow into our ministry in Jesusโ€™ name!

As always, Keep Fighting the Good Fight of Faith and Have a Blessed Day! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‚