Starting in the month of August, I'll be starting a vlogging series called the Diary of Anthony! I'll be focusing on the aspects of my life, and my personal struggle with Bipolar Disorder. Trust me, it's a daily struggle of juggling bipolar, life, and more aspects in my life. One day, I'll even cook, and maybe rant about somethings that i need to get if my chest. Yes, parental discretion is advised! Somethings thing I will say I don't want the kids to hear, but done kids can relate to having bipolar disorder, but I promise parents I'll try not to swear! I how you guys like my videos, comment, subscribe, and share my videos. Hopefully, it still encourage anybody going through bipolar to show you can live your life with bipolar. I love y'all! New video will be posted everyday!
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 4 years ago