This is a devotional exhortational presentation, linked to the website, It features Church history as it climaxes in the end-time drama, and upholds the Biblical world view. It upholds the Pre-Millennial Post-Trib Apocalyptic doctrine, and the NASA moon-phase confirmation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy as presented by Sir Robert Anderson in his 19th Century book "The Coming Prince". The channel upholds Two-House Israelology and the reality of the Second Exodus as prophesied by Jeremiah and Isaiah. It promotes overseas evangelical missions, the Joel 2:28-32 End-Time Revival, the Bozrah Exile and Deliverance of Micah 2:12-13, and the triumph of blood covenant Christianity in the end-time global Harvest. Major discovery #1 is that the Fall Feasts of Israel will initiate and terminate the final seven years of this age. Major discovery #2 is that the G-8 superpowers are featured by their iconography in the prophecy given to Daniel in Daniel chapter 7.


OK, now we are getting down to it. The reality of the witchcraft, and the pharmacopeia of MK Ultra is almost too hard for normal people to fathom. But it is real, nevertheless.

So the CIA, well- knowing that thecAmerican peoplecae
are aware of this, now come out and deny it!

2 months ago | [YT] | 0


Another straight shooter, faithfully gathering the facts.

2 months ago | [YT] | 0



1 year ago | [YT] | 0


The Scandinavians are wonderful artists, writers, novelists, musicians. In fact they look very much like they belong to the re-crystallizing house of Naphtali. The clue from Genesis 49.

Norwegian novelist

1 year ago | [YT] | 0


For those with a wee bit of the Scottish heritage here would be a small intro.

5 years ago | [YT] | 2