A channel dedicated to showcasing City Pop, New Music, and more. I don't take requests, sorry! (All songs come from my personal collection and have been purchased legally, but I do not own the rights to any of the music I post here.)
787 videos
Tracks that butter my croissant
552 videos
City Pop (Japanese Urban Funk/AOR)
1 video
Purplesound 1+2 Complete Playlist
10 videos
Mother Goose (マザー・グース)
359 videos
New Music (Japanese Soft-Rock/AM Pop)
280 videos
General J-Pop
20 videos
Etsuko Sai (彩恵津子)
Songwriter Spotlight: Chinfa Kan (康珍化)
16 videos
Purplesound's Picks: 2024 in Review
36 videos
Kimiko Kasai (笠井紀美子)
Kuniko Fukushima (福島邦子)
47 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Machiko Ryu (竜真知子)
69 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Takashi Matsumoto (松本隆)
Reimy (麗美)
22 videos
Hi-Fi Set (ハイ・ファイ・セット)
32 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Tetsuji Hayashi (林哲司)
54 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Ken Sato (佐藤健)
100 videos
Junko Ohashi (大橋純子)
41 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Yoshiko Miura (三浦徳子)
26 videos
Masahiro Kuwana (桑名正博)
88 videos
Rie Nakahara (中原理恵)
48 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Kyouhei Tsutsumi (筒美京平)
17 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Tatsuro Yamashita (山下達郎)
66 videos
Japanese Jazz
18 videos
Machiko Watanabe (渡辺真知子)
Kumiko Hara (原久美子)
19 videos
Purplesound's Picks: 2023 in Review
34 videos
Songwriter Spotlight: Etsuko Kisugi (来生えつこ)
8 videos
Tohoku Shinkansen (東北新幹線) [AKA Narumin & Etsu]
Yoshiko Sai (佐井好子)