I`m Jade i am 24,i`m an mv maker,my wifey is justene been there for me through everything I've a beautiful baby boy Carson and my passion is to make mvs and series so I'm back
5 videos
Gym music
123 videos
21st playlist
11 videos
The 100 mvs
2 videos
3 videos
songs to sing for my leaving
32 videos
My Crossover Couple Mvs
42 videos
Teen wolf mvs
137 videos
Tv/movie mvs
Mv plans
-1 video
Song idea
4 videos
Perfect Enemy Series w/MisfitxRollins
Nicole Bella Media
Collab with Megan
Media for Nikki&Dean
8 videos
Dean&Nikki Mvs
6 videos
My nean mvs ❤
18 videos
Nikki bella media
WWE&TNA Wrong Choices Season 2
aj lee media
Betrayed By An Angel
7 videos
Songs to use
Nikki heel media
WWE Love Is War JointSeries with Daisy
20 videos
WWE&Tna Wrong Choices Jointseries with kayla
Angelina media