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✔하루 Haru(a day)
브리티쉬 숏헤어 British Shorthair
남아 male
말이 없는 편인데 목소리 짱귀욤.
소심하지만 듬직한 오빠미 뿜뿜
Haru doesn't talk much, but he has a really cute voice.
He is a timid but reliable brother.
✔미루 Miru(grassland)
브리티쉬 숏헤어 British Shorthair
여아 female
수다냥이, 골골송, 꾹꾹이 잘하고, 밥도 무지 잘 먹어요ㅎ
Miru is so, so lovely.
She is talkative, purring, kneading and likes to eat.
'구독'과' 좋아요' 진심으로 감사합니다.
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