Hey guys, it's Dr. Sam - I'm an anti-aging & hormone specialist, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, writer, speaker & philanthropist.
This "Men's Health" channel is an extension of my original Dr. Sam Robbins channel youtube.com/DrSamRobbins/. My goal here is to get into additional details and more specific topics directed for Men's Health of any age -- physical, mental and emotional health.
You'll discover proven shortcuts based on 30+ years of applied knowledge, that'll allow you to quickly and easily, reach your health goals in less time, with less effort - safely and naturally.
My goal is to help eliminate the confusion and frustration and give you clarity.
So if you're a man (or know one) - please subscribe, share, watch my videos & let me know what topics YOU want me to cover in my next video. Thanks for visiting and have a happy & healthy day!
PS: For additional information about me, please visit
👉 DrSam.co/yt/mywebsite