though i dont yet have a webcam i will be trying to get one soon and be putting up a few vocalistic songs i have been working on in my freetime as well as speaking some of my poetics i have composed over the past 8 years....would have been up sooner but needed a faster comp and the new 400gb comp with 1 gig ram i got last sunday fits de to merely get the webcam....anyone wanting to talk business,life,science, or just the weather i am here and on aol....shadesoulstormz and masteroftoolery.....on veoh as ebonyekinshade, and with my own messageboard...…
a forwarning when bored i am very creative and inventive so if you speak to me and i am in such a mood i cannot predict what will come forth from these lips or my it good, be it bad, maybe oddball or sad....the mind like a rollercoaster to the beyond where only dreams belong that are most uniquely fond....