The YouTube Channel for the Music of Justin D. Allan.

Ambient instrumental electronic space music🎶🌌 Meditate, dream, relax, study, create🌃

I use🎼frequencies that help with stress, anxiety, physical pain, healing, relaxation, & sleep, and wrap them in electronic space music.

Space Synth Energy II is my latest album🎶 80 minutes of instrumental space music👽🌠

Checkout my Ambient Space Synth Playlist for more space videos👽🌌🌠🎶🎧

For my sleepiest videos go to my Sleep Synth Playlist😴 They're great to fall asleep too💤

My Super Super Favorites Playlist has all my favorite alt indie electronic music videos like Psychedelic Jam, Gigantic Pounce and Blue Whale Super Super🐳

Subscribe to my channel for mesmerizing space 🌌🌠 videos and ambient instrumental space music. Thanks for your support🎵