Sharing videos and experiences with DIY aquarium building.. Showing my previous Mbuna, and current South American fish.. Always trying to design natural looking, high functioning, and an on point environments. Thanks for watching and sub'n !
334 videos
American Cichlid Project
Free Swimmer
2 videos
Inherited 1970 Nova SS
5 videos
18 videos
"The Giant "
29 videos
2003 Harley Superglide
7 videos
liked videos
49 videos
Behemoth Tank
6 videos
Helpful Hints
21 videos
Baby fish
8 videos
Dehumidifying plans pt.2
-1 video
DIY Asst.
13 videos
contest video
Mbuna Cichlids
Lemons for Leukemia
38 videos
Malawi Minute
Filtration Series
3 videos
11 videos
Premiere Mbuna Video
19 videos
360 gallon tank build
Rock'n with Free Swimmer
27 videos
Breeder Build