Angela Kulibaba nee Bodnar, a living woman and sovereign, was born on January 17, 1982 in the capital city of Chisinau, Moldova, MSSR, birth certificate number 1555 dated 02.23.1982. Parents Ukrainian father, Moldavian mother.
I have been living for more than 35 years in Ukraine at the place of registration, in Bessarabia, the mother of two living boys Vladislav born on September 30, 2008 and Alexander born on April 30, 2014. I prohibit violating the norms of international law against me and my family members, especially the Declaration of Human Rights and the Nuremberg Treaty on the prohibition of medical manipulation of people and coercion by any means, also by blackmail, pressure, extortion and terror that restrict human rights and freedoms or may cause harm in any way or leave in a difficult situation or without a livelihood - I prohibit creating such conditions and demanding the signing of papers about allegedly "consent" to them...this creat a threat to my life and health.