Tutorials for an intermediate Java developer on how to program video applications using the Lightweight Java Game Library.


"My code doesn't work. Help me!"
1. Compare your code with the on-line source code linked to in the video description.
2. Look in the comments for people with similar issues.
3. Use Google to see if there is a quick fix.
4. I will refer you to the question below.

"I have a question. Where can I ask it?"
1. YouTube comments for short to medium-length questions that are related to a specific video
2. Twitter (@CodingUniverse) for short, general questions
3. YouTube private message for longer questions
4. E-mail (support@thecodinguniverse.com) for long, possibly private questions

"Where did you learn LWJGL?"
I learned basic LWJGL from the wikipedia page and forums.
I learned OpenGL from various internet tutorials (Swiftless, Lighthouse3D) and forum posts, and from the OpenGL SuperBible 5th and Beginning OpenGL Game Programming 2nd.