William Campbell

Nothing fancy. This really is just a personal channel not in any way seeking to promote a brand or harvest subscribers. In between places found, things seen and people met, interspersed with videos featuring downtown's historic Angels Flight funicular, most of what you'll find here is a lot of unedited video captures of my bike rides around Los Angeles, via various body- or bike-mounted cams. Why? Well, I record my rides in the event I need evidence of something that occurs, but I also just like documenting my pedalings.

A heads-up about commenting: All comments made on my videos are moderated. I welcome comments -- even opposing viewpoints when presented considerately and with an interest in discussion. But if I smell even a whiff of trollstank, the comment ceases to exist and I do all involved a favor by hidding/blocking/restricting/banning/disappearing the offending user.