Janekennix Creation

I am a Relocation Coach. Make NO mistakes in your Relocation journey! You are sure of 3 videos a week!
I share practical information and take you through steps that leads to successful outcomes. I am a practical person!!

I am a Senior Registered Nurse in Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί (Bsc Nur, MSc Clin Nur), I was a lecturer ( BA, PGE, MPhil) & I am a business babe ( MBA) πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

Be fortified with practical information and be Empowered !

In this Channel, I share information that will empower you to make informed decision towards your migration plan to Australia OR any other country of your choice

I bring you the life we live in Australia & what it means to live in Australia. You learn how to live smart

I am a motivator who believes in sharing information to empower people. KNOWLEDGE Is POWER!!

I strongly believe that Not giving up on your dream is the key to SUCCESS .There is always an alternative to your failed plan , try harder to find it ! Goodluck


Shared 3 months ago



Shared 3 months ago