twice the notes - twice the thrills! banjos, mandolins, fiddles, harmonicas playing bluegrass, Irish music and jazz with absolutely no respect for geography or history.
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leon hunt
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Pat Purchase
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Ads and TV
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The Scoville Units
Lockdown movies
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Leon Hunt & Jason Titley - Take Two
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Lessons with Bela Fleck (Nashville, 1990)
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Banjo lessons
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To Kill a Mockingbird
The Leon Hunt n-Tet - Farewell Blues
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Daily Planet - Live
Daily Planet - The Big Scoop
Daily Planet - Clark's Secret
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The Scoville Units - The Scoville Units 2011
Growling Old Men - Shuttle Diplomacy 2008
Leon Hunt - Miles Apart 2004
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Leon Hunt - The Banjo Columns (Supporting material)
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