Epoch Elder Care

Epoch Elder Care is Expert in Assisted Living and Dementia Care.

Our homes provide holistic, Person Centered Care that enables elders to have the highest quality of life. At Epoch, the team believes in focusing on the person as much as the medical condition.

Epoch offers assisted living, dementia care, palliative care and recovery & rehabilitation to elders in need of 24x7 care and assistance.

Epoch has 10+ years of relevant experience in India, and follows evidence-based global best practices. Currently, Epoch operates 3 homes in India - Vermeer House and Frida House in Gurgaon, Monet House in Pune, and will be expanding the services soon.

Epoch Elder Care is helmed by Neha Sinha, a dementia specialist. She has gained international recognition for creating dementia services in India. Epoch homes are managed under the expertise of registered senior nurses trained in elder and dementia care.

Epoch is a specialist trusted by families for the care of their elderly loved ones.