ISSET utilises Space and STEM to motivate people of all ages to further themselves through a variety of engaging programmes and experiences. 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀

Reasons to Get on Board:

🚀 Boost your confidence and push your limits
👨‍🚀 Learn from some of the greatest minds in the world
👩‍🏫 Develop key life skills in teamwork, innovation, leadership, public speaking, planning
& budgeting
💻 Strengthen your higher education applications & achievement portfolios
🔭 Have the experience of working on a real-life research project
🏆 Take away an official completion certificate
🙌 Learn to work as part of an incredible team
🛰 Fly the flag for your school on the International Space Station
🎉 And of course, the chance to make history

Learn More: