Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I rejoice to testify the great things
that Lord has done in my life.
When I was 9, I noticed severe changes in my health & went to hospital. Doctors conformed that 3 valves of my heart were blocked and there was a hole in my heart & also conformed that I should undergo an TOF Open Heart Surgery immediately. knowing this, I repent and cleansed by his blood and decided to live for his glory if I'm alive.
On 11 November 2001, I underwent an TOF Surgery and my situation was critical. God raised me from my death bed & Since then, I haven’t faced any traces of heart problems. God gifted me with multi talents like Writing songs, tuning, composing music and singing. God is using me as his vessel in 8 states & sings in 5 languages.
I have conducted several outreach programmes, one-day crusades, public meetings and annual retreats and still continuing the same. My hunger is to sow the seeds of faith across the world...
Man Of God
Jacob Bhushan.