Dr. Rogini has helped thousands of women, men and children with their spinal health. She has brought spark back into their life by aligning their spine, mind, body & spirit.
In the last 20 years through her clinical experience and intensive spiritual training, she has become a Master Healer, a Life Mastery Coach and created successfull digital courses & workshops that is helping people around the world.
She uses evidence based technqiues that activates the mechanoreceptors, & electromagetic receptors to reboot the nervous system.
You will find her YouTube videos will cover different areas of life from chiropractic adjustments, spiritual advice, to living consciously, breaking karmic limitations to aligning your mind, body and spirit.
Step out of your comfort zone, reboot & challenge your nervous sytem and become magnetic to your desired live.
Throught her coaching she will assist you to get out of survival trap, stagnation and burnouts.
Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran