Kid Heroes Productions, FilAm TV, Xylophone Films, National Film Society, Arcent Productions, & Nicki Sun Productions present a LIVE telethon WEBCAST to encourage donations to one or more of the many relief organizations benefiting the Philippines typhoon relief. There will be live performances & special appearances, but you'll have to watch to see who they are. STARTS 5pm PST. LIVE link will be posted here!
1. Select any charity you prefer and MAKE AN ONLINE DONATION directly on their website. Please consider using the resources and suggested relief organizations listed below.
2. AFTER YOU DONATE ONLINE, please forward the email of your donation receipt to our email address:
This will allow us to verify and track how much of an impact our joint community efforts are making and help us spur more donations. Let's join forces as a community to help those who desperately need it the most. Every little bit helps. THANK YOU!!
Shared 11 years ago