Well, we are two voice actors focusing on Homestuck! Every now and then we use guest actors, but what we post here and on our Tumblr always includes either [REDACTED] or skogsbrynet.

Ah, this marvelous specimen of American boy! He's the duo's male voice actor, audio editor, director and schemer! More often than not he is also in charge of finding good music. He's awfully crafty and you'd better watch out. Outside of toucanSandwiches he likes to do regular acting, draw, play the piano and work as a DJ.

This not quite as marvelous specimen of American boy is a glorious example of Swedish girl. Her part of the duo includes but isn't limited to female voice acting, video editing, communications and comic finding. She's also crafty but hides it behind crippling insecurity. When let out she enjoys singing, drawing, cosplaying and working on her fan session.