Welcome to Chad and Russ!

Chad and Russ (formerly Immortal Dog) is the joint comedy group made up of Russ from HeyKiller and Chad of ChadWhyNot. Originally started in 2002 when Chad and Russ began making short comedy films together, they've both done a great deal of work together and apart over the years, and now they've returned to their roots!

We do short comedy videos from time to time, and do Let's Play videos of the games we play together EVERY DAY!! Sometimes we're joined by Russ' wife, Christine, and stay tuned for cameos from old school Immortal Dog favorites down the line. We play point and click adventure games, FMV games, and more!

- Chad and Russ Play Videogames On The Internet: Every day at 1pm EST.
- Russ and THE STEEN: Every day at 10am EST!
- New Comedy Short Films: Not on a regular schedule, but they can pop up anytime. All the more reason to subscribe and hit that notification bell to know when videos go live!