I love chips. Pretty much all kinds...well, we'll see about that. In The Chips is dedicated to tasting, and commenting on, chips in a short, humorous way.Love merch? Good, I've got some! Check it out here:in-the-chips-with-barry.myshopify.com
122 videos
Chips from Canada
In The Chips
523 videos
Chips from the United States
203 videos
Can It Sandwich?
60 videos
Chips from Australia
126 videos
Other snacks!
21 videos
Chips from Taiwan
68 videos
Chips from China
-1 video
Chips from Trinidad
132 videos
Crisps from the UK and Ireland
18 videos
Chips from the United Arab Emirates
6 videos
Chips from India
79 videos
Chips from Japan
2 videos
Chips from Norway
38 videos
Chips from Spain
12 videos
Chips from France
8 videos
Chips from Mexico
14 videos
Chips from Singapore
19 videos
Chips from S. Korea
41 videos
Chips from Thailand
4 videos
Chips from Denmark
Chips from Kuwait
64 videos
Guest Reviews!
11 videos
Chips from Poland
Chips from Turkey
Chips from Egypt
22 videos
Chips from Italy
Chips from Indonesia
5 videos